Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Mediation Theory and Verisimilitude

Mediation Theory and Verisimilitude

Mediation Theory is the idea that what you are viewing is the creator’s version, the version you are watching is want they want you to see. Following an example of a football game the people watching it live will have a view of the entire pitch and so they can focus on all the events that are occurring whilst the people watching it on the TV will have to focus on what the mediator portrays to them.  The camera may cut to a close up of the goal which is the mediator’s way of telling the audience that they should focus there. 

Verisimilitude is the appearance that something is real or believable. Internal Logic is where within the world of the TV show/movie the events/conventions are real for example in the TV shows Vampire Diaries the idea of vampires is believable in that world. Reality Logic is relies heavily on realism so it relates to more contemporary and romance movies and soap shows which focus on portraying relate able events. 
Images are all taken from the Internet

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