Friday, 27 November 2015

Film Production Companies Research

Film Production Companies Research

I researched different possible production companies I could use for the film.

20th Century Fox – The highest-grossing films for the company include Avatar, Titanic, Star Wars and X-Men which shows that it focuses more on action or drama films which doesn’t suit the genre of our film.

Universal Studios – The highest-grossing films for the company include Jurassic World, E.T., Minions and Fast and Furious which shows that the company have a mix of action/adventure films and family movies which doesn’t suit the Mystery Thriller genre for our movie.

Paramount Pictures – The highest-grossing films for the company include Transformers, Forrest Gump, Iron Man, Shrek and Indiana Jones this shows the company’s focus is on Drama, Action, Superhero and Family films not the genre suited for our film.

Warner Bros. – The highest-grossing films for the company include The Dark Knight, Harry Potter, The Hobbit and Inception. Although the company does have films with the genre of Mystery Thriller the company specialises in blockbuster films that are mainly part of a series or trilogy.

Lionsgate Films – The highest-grossing films for the company include The Hunger Games. Twilight and Divergent to show it focuses a lot on teenagers and the young adult book to movie adaptations. Most of the films are dystopian or action and romance. This didn’t fit the film.

The Weinstein Company – The highest-grossing films for the company include Django Unchained, The King’s Speech, Silver Linings Playbook and Inglourious Basterds to show its main genres are Drama and Action.  Which doesn’t fit in with the genre of Mystery Thriller

The best option from the ones listed was Warner Bros however it specialised in bigger movies so instead we chose to go for New Line Cinema a related branch to Warner Bros. New Line Cinema has distributed movies such as A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Conjuring and Final Destination which is a mix of mainly thriller but also mystery.

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