Friday, 5 February 2016

Location and Risk Assessment


Here’s the location video for the Drama Theatre which will be used for the basis of the shoot.

 Location pictures of an outside location that can be used for the scenes with the dead body.

The scenes of the body from establishing shots or long shots will be shot here because the location is quite isolated and surrounded by trees making it a perfect place for a body to be dumped.

Here is a closer look at the location where the body will be shown from a close up - the area is isolated and overcrowded with bushes and plants where the body can be covered up. 

Benefits of the location: quite isolated so no distractions or noises whilst filming, a lot of natural light for shooting and the background is plain with no posters in it so focus is solely on the body.

Drawbacks of the location: location alongside with weather will make shoot very windy which may interfere with shooting and there may be some dangers surrounding the location as plants are surrounded by water which has no barrier around it. 

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is looking very thorough. Let me know what stage you're at with filming as we're getting very close to the end...
